Saturday’s Lessons

Joshua was among many who participated in the local Special Olympics this past Saturday. He rocked everything he did, from the fifty yard dash to standing long jump. He also taught me some valuable lessons about life.
Easy to stay in the safety of a comfort zone, knowing what to expect and not being surprised. Is that really the way to live? Is the lack of what could happen that important? We all need to shake things up once in awhile, take the leap from where we stand, and see the end result of our actions.
Joshua had no problem running, nor did the others who ran with him. They just bolted and did their best.
No worrying about how they’d look on the track. Totally unconcerned with messing up, which they didn’t.
Special Olympics is a life changing event, just watching everyone to do their best, all grins and laughter.
Josh got a ribbon for being in the standing long jump, even though he didn’t win. Who cares about that? He was enjoying himself. Third in the dash, way to go man! The whole point of being there is just enjoy yourself and the company. Oh and the food didn’t hurt either. 🙂

One young man showed me his ribbon, He was proud of his accomplishment in the event he participated in. I congratulated him. These boys and girls, men and women give their whole heart into the racing, softball throwing, jumping and other sports.
I just recently changed positions within my company. Nervous, yes, wondering if I will succeed, you betcha! Am I having second thoughts, of course, but I am not backing down. I want to be an example of the Special Olympics Motto: Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt. To me, that says go for what you want, do your best and then some and pat your own back for trying. Personally, I hope to conquer the self doubting beast inside me. Be fun to watch it run away in tears.

A Broken Kind of Beautiful – A Reveiw

BrokenKind Feeling unforgiveable because of you who are where you came from is the main thought in this book. Ivy Clark, a model, does not feel worthy of forgiveness due to being an illegitimate child and because of her past behavior. She has been convinced she really doesn’t count except where her looks are concerned and where money can be made off her. Even her manager/uncle has made it clear to her that she does not count.
Ivy travels back to Greenbrier, South Carolina to attend her father’s funeral. She’s not sad for his passing, he never paid attention to her. Marilyn, her dad’s wife, adores her and tries hard to make her see that she is loveable and worthy. This woman rocks, since Ivy is not her biological daughter. Ivy struggles throughout her stay but seems to make a breakthrough upon having to organize a Fashion Show, along with helping a cancer patient fulfill a wish.
It is through the love of Marilyn, Davis Knight, Sara Knight that Ivey finally realizes whatever she has done in the past, is insignificant. God loves her and has already forgotten what sins she committed. Awesome way to take a load off one’s mind and heart.
I received this free copy in exchange for reviewing it from Waterbrook Press.
For more info (including author bio):